03 November 2010


I don't know how many times I've written a post apologizing for being MIA for a while, but this one is for real.  I know my creativity has been absent for quite some time... and I really am sorry!  This has been a really tough month (year!).  On October 10 my granddad passed away.  My impression of hearing someone say they lost a grandparent has totally changed.  It used to be like, "well that's expected, but sorry."  I'll admit I still think that my granddad was unlike anyone else, so considering other peoples' situations to be the same is nearly impossible.  In my arrogant, family-centric head, my first thought is, "losing a grandparent is tough, but losing MY granddad is different - it's awful." 

I'm not going to start listing adjectives about how great and sarcastic he was because it seems a little shallow, but believe you me - he was awesome. 

That said, that kick-started one of my worst weeks ever and I have been slowly trying to pull it together.  I promise I AM doing creative things with my days, but some of it is confidential and as for the rest, I'm always a little unsure about what in-progress work is appropriate to post.  For now, you'll have to settle for an old drawing of the big guy :)

From kelleybozarth.com

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