10 September 2010

Galapagos Book - Finally!

I'm sorry its been so long since I've posted anything, especially anything creative.  As mentioned, I'm on budget extreme 2010 these days - the good news is I will pass the halfway mark of my credit card debt pay-off on October 1st.  The bad news is I still have probably 8-10 months to go.  So, that said, my focus has been on podcasts, books, and research.  Not drawing as much.

I DID however just return from a weekend in the Cleve to visit with family and drop off these books!  My granddad asked me to compile photos from our recent trip to the Galapagos Islands into a picture book - one for each household.  It was a ton of fun to put together and I, personally, and so glad he came up with that idea - having a book of all of these memories and photos in one place is awesome to have.

Open publication - Free publishing - More travel

PS: Thanks to Suzanne for using Issuu - awesome!

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