28 July 2010

My Bucket List

I think this might be the longest I've sketched since starting this blog.  Fail.  Enough is enough : more time for creativity a.s.a.p!

I have a new sketchbook that is dedicated to a category called "things that change other things."  Vague?  This isn't it, but it's starting to gear-up for it.  I think my main focus will be things that are changing my bucket list / life-goals.  Stay tuned for more explanation.  For now, all I've got is the bucket.


  1. Great drawing, Kelley.
    We have a lot in common. I wonder if I could use your drawing (giving you credit, of course,) on my blog.
    Let me know either way,

  2. Hey Arlene,
    Of course! I just briefly glanced at your blog - we certainly seem to have a lot of goals in common :) Look forward to keeping up with your posts - thanks for checking out mine.
